Friday, March 16, 2012


Could you tell someone about your life in two minutes or less? Seems hard right? Well that is exactly what our students are tasked with in our Kidumentaries program! This program introduces students to the art of telling a story in the form of a documentary. Students experience each step in making a documentary – from creating a vision for the story to writing a script and even operating a camera. After learning the necessary skills, students are given Flip video cameras to go out and film their documentary. Back in the classroom, students review and edit their footage until their movies are complete. 

In addition, students get to envision a future career in documentary film making as they meet and learn from National Geographic professionals who actually make documentaries for a living. As a grand finale, students screen their videos at National Geographic in downtown DC. Students from River Terrace ES, Ferebee-Hope ES, and Burroughs EC have participated in our Kidumentaries program. 

Be sure to check out the documentary above, and you can view the rest on our YouTube Channel here!

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