Friday, February 3, 2012

From the Live It Learn It Office

Amanda Cooper has been with Live It Learn It since August 2011.

I am lucky. I love my job. Sometimes I feel guilty when my friends are complaining about work and all I can add to the conversation is, “I love my job.” Live It Learn It  increases DCPS student achievement and engagement by connecting content from the classroom to students’ own personal experiences around the city. I know I am biased, but the mission of our organization is so powerful, how could you not love being a part of it? 

When working with students, there is that moment for them when something clicks; it is widely referred to as the “AHA moment.” Last Thursday, on an art trip to The Phillips Collection with 13 5th graders from Moten Elementary School, there were 13 “AHA moments.” In the classroom prior to their trip, students had studied the Great Migration as told through the artwork of Jacob Lawrence.

Students review causes of the Great Migration.

When we first walked into the Jacob Lawrence exhibit at the Phillips, students gasped and some murmured, “These are the same ones we saw in our class, that’s so cool!” During the next 90 minutes, students viewed 25 of Lawrence’s original 60 panels, exploring the conditions in both the South and North that led to the Great Migration while also discussing themes such as discrimination and labor during this time period.

Discussing life in the North and South

Students arrange panels to create their own 'Migration Story.'

As we were walking out of the exhibit I overheard a conversation between two students:
Student A: “This was such a great afternoon!”
Student B: “I know, this building is magnificent, we are so lucky to be here!”

Back on the bus a student asked me, “Ms. Cooper, are we going to get to learn more about Jacob Lawrence?”
“Of course!” I exclaimed grinning from ear to ear. Silently I thought, "Mission accomplished"…this is why I love my job!


During their post lesson, Moten 5th graders told us in their own words what they learned about Jacob Lawrence and their favorite part of the field trip to The Phillips Collection: 
"I learned that life was hard in the South." -Tyrek
"I learned about people migrating to the North." -Jamal 
"My favorite part of the trip was walking through the old house and looking at the panels in the room." -Gennelle
"I learned that Jacob Lawrence was an artist who painted about the Great Migration." -Daryle 

1 comment:

  1. Any school that has elementary children studying Jacob Lawrence holds a special place in my heart! I love his work, and I love what y'all are doing at your school.
