Friday, February 24, 2012

FedEx delivers more than packages to DC 5th graders

"What did you want to be when you grew up?  What is your favorite part of your job?  Do you get to fly an airplane?  Were you nervous when you met the president?  How can you ship a panda?"

These questions--and many, many more--were posed by 5th grade students from H.D. Cooke Elementary School during a recent visit with members of the Government Affairs team at FedEx Corporation.  Throughout the morning, students were thrilled to meet people in various careers--lobbyists, lawyers, legal assistants, a courier, and even Congresswoman Karen Bass, to name a few.   

Thank you, FedEx, for "delivering" these opportunities!  

Here are a few highlights from this Pathways to Professions experience:
Corporate Vice President of Government Affairs Gina Adams and the FedEx team listen to students share their career goals--which include artists, veterinarians, teachers, chefs, musicians, and pilots!
Congresswoman Bass captivates students with a story about riding in a limousine with President Obama. 
Who knew video conferencing was so fun?  An IT expert demonstrates how FedEx uses technology to bring two meetings together--in different rooms, or even different countries.
Students are shocked to learn that this courier delivers over 300 packages daily--by himself!
Enjoying a great view from the roof after a fantastic day.

What did students think of the experience?  In their own words...


Students left with an understanding of the importance of perseverance in academic studies and having a back up plan for their futures.  Thank you LILI for providing students with these life changing experiences!   
--Ms. Crystal Dively, 5th grade teacher, H.D. Cooke ES