Friday, April 6, 2012

Exciting News!

During the month of April, Live It Learn It will be featured on WAMU 88.5’s Community Minute. The daily broadcast provides information about community organizations working to improve lives in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Live It Learn It was chosen for its work in Title I DC public schools, providing students with rigorous, academic field trip opportunities around the city. You can check out the broadcast here

With May fast approaching, we will soon be conducting lots of outdoor science & nature trips. Below is a sneak peek from one of our most popular trips: a pontoon boat ride along the Anacostia River with the Anacostia Watershed Society. Enjoy! 

Students spot a great white egret hunting for food along the river bank.
Students conduct experiments to test the water clarity.
The highlight of the trip? Driving the boat of course!

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