Friday, June 15, 2012

LILI Students are Moving on Up to Middle School

The end of the school year is bittersweet, especially as we say goodbye to the majority of our 5th grade students.*  After completing two years of programming with Live It Learn It, Randle Highlands Elementary School 5th graders are gearing up for the transition to middle school.  We have greatly enjoyed getting to know them, learning alongside of them, and watching them grow into mature, thoughtful individuals.  We are proud of you (and the students at all of our other partner schools too)!

*Only 6th graders at DC's education campuses currently participate in Live It Learn It.

Here is a snapshot of some of what these kids have lived and learned over the past two years: 
Nov 2010: interpreting a Lakota Winter Count at the National Museum of the American Indian
Feb 2011: studying plant life at the US Botanic Garden
Nov 2011: constructing a geodesic dome at the National Building Museum
June 2012: analyzing sculptures at the National Gallery of Art
 We also asked a few students to reflect on their experiences with Live It Learn It, and share what they are looking forward to about middle school in the fall.  In their own words...

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