Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome Friends!

Live It Learn It pushed me to do things that I never thought possible.” ~Janae G.

Live It Learn It is my favorite program in the world.  I like everything they teach.” ~Jawaun P.

Live It Learn It has inspired me in so many ways, so all I have to say is thank you.” ~Debbie P.

Our students give us a lot of credit, but the undeniable truth is that we would never be able to bring Live It Learn It to their classrooms without you -- teachers, principals, cultural destinations, monuments & parks, foundations & donors, and volunteers. Without your effort and support, we could not reach the thousands of DC Public Schools students that benefit each year from our rigorous programs.

This blog is for YOU -- to connect our partners with each other -- and to our students. Visit every Friday to hear from students about what they enjoy about Live It Learn It, from teachers about how they integrate Live It Learn It into their classrooms, from our destination partners about working with Live It Learn It students, and from staff about our adventures in the classroom.

Special thanks to our partners at National Geographic for the fantastic promo video above. Be sure to check it out! 

And as always, we look forward to your feedback. Feel free to email us at to share your personal Live It Learn It story. See you next week!

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